Why Couldn’t I Have Been Simplistic


Why couldn’t I have I been simplistic,


Happy for no reason?

Waking up each day joyful 

to be alive?

Taking it all in, minute by 

Fast minute.

Going about my day without a care.

Watch as wars rage on, for reasons

No one remembers anymore.

Let hunger and famine

Wipe out countless humans

While I have food to waste.

Let people be happy wining awards

And congratulate each other.

Let people feel important

Uncovering old mysteries 

And finding new answers.

Turn  off the TV

Ignore the news

Scroll past headlines

Watch only cute cats 

And smart dogs.

Watch funny people 

Cover their pain 

In jokes older than time

Let them sedate us into numbness.

Forget about Death and dying,

the mortgage,

The bills.

Forget about feeling


Knowing well we are.




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