I Dreamt Of My Mother

In my dream I saw Ani,
I saw my late mother too.
I hugged her like a child, 
And I kissed her.

Ah, mother I said, I’m very sick,
I’m without hope, I said,
I have a wound incurable
And the misery of the world.

The mind is powerless, the will uncertain
Love a fallacy a fantasy
Destiny is evil, life without meaning
Death an unending fright

I am tired mother, I need to rest
I don’t want to feel or think.
Mother mother please undress me
Cover me so I can sleep. 

The whole world is a nightmare,
An insane delirium,
Man is but a shadow, effort is useless,
Every step closer to death…

Ani is a ruined medieval Armenian City Now in Turkey 
Ani was also the diminutive of ancient goddess Anahit who was seen as the mother protector of Armenia. It was also called The city of 1001 churches. Wikipedia.org

Poem By Avedik Isahakian
Translated from Armenian by

Armineh Amirian Zohrabian


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