Going Home

it's the way that sunlight picks through the curtains
sometimes it's a familiar smell I can't recall
a song, a melody heard from afar,
tonight it was the city lights
flickering in the distant
as I was driving on the 210
they all transport me home
for one magical, precious moment.
Returning from summer vacation
in the crowded back seat of our car
tired and sleepy eyed
we would smile in the dark
when the city lights would appear
beyond the hills
thinking that we were almost home
that our beds were waiting for us
warm and cool at the same time.
I know, and yet I don't know
why it makes me sad
to think of home
maybe because that home
exists only, in my memories
like my parents, it's long gone
maybe my now is so bleak
that the past always seems better
happier, kinder somehow
But I know better
Because I remember
The summers of suffocating boredom
in our small town
When the library was all we had for entertainment
Yet I long for these bygone yesterdays
when life was naive, uncomplicated


Unknown said…
vay huzvesi... shat lavn em , Mine mokur jan ko grasnere shat em sirum shat hajeli en u mi tesak hokeharazat ....
love u Mokur jan :)
Unknown said…
Very nice ,I liked it so much.

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