Talk to me
Talk to me,
Like you've never talked
To your lover
Your friend
Your mother
I will not judge you
I will not turn my back on you
I will look straight in your eyes
And I'll tell you,
That you are human.
If you want, we can cry together
You can tell me what hurts you
And I will kiss you
Like a sister.
We can laugh.
You can forget all the games others play
You can stop pretending
When we are together.
You can be your true self
I will still love you.
We are all born into this world innocent
People who gain
From wearing a mask
Corrupt us
And we forget our identity.
I will take you back
To the beginning
When you were pure and wholesome
When a smile was just that, a smile
And a kind word didn't have an expectation.
Let me love you to healing
Let me kiss you like a mother
Let me remind you
That you have the right to be unique
To be you.
You have a beautiful soul
Just let it be
Just be.